Letter to SBI Bank Manager of Local Branch to reduce the interest rate on home loan House no. , Road no. , Bistupur, Jamshedpur - 831002. 18th December, 2023. The Manager, SBI, Road no. , Bistupur, Jamshedpur - 831002. Subject [To reduce the interest rate for Home Loan] Sir, I am [Name] and I have an account in your bank (A/C ......). I have been authorized a home loan from your bank which currently has an interest rate of 9.35%. The interest rates have resulted in a huge financial burden for me. I request you to reduce it to a moderate rate which I can cope with. Yours faithfully, [Name]
Summers are getting hotter with each passing year Essay on "Summers are becoming hotter with each passing year. Write a description of one such very hot day. What did you see and hear as you walked outside? How were birds and animals affected?" India is famous all around the world for its different seasons and extreme as well as pleasant climate. The unique features of the Indian subcontinent are found nowhere else. India mainly experiences five seasons Spring, Summer, Monsoon, Autumn and Winter. Summer is considered the best among other seasons by the Indians, but its popularity is decreasing drastically each day as the temperatures are constantly increasing because of climate change. Summer is when the country experiences most death because of extreme weather conditions. It is becoming unbearable for the people as the day temperatures outside reach 50°C. Summer was often associated with fun and enjoyment, but that is not the case anymore. Summers are one of the most excitin...
Imagine a situation where you get an opportunity to change one thing in your school. What would it be? Why do you want to change it? How would you bring about the change? School is a place where the young generations are bestowed with knowledge and wit. It is a place of education and learning where various subjects are taught to the students without keeping in mind their religion, gender or race. It is the place where everyone is equal and everyone has equal opportunity to get fundamental knowledge in each major subjects. There are various subjects that are taught in the school. Majority of the subjects are taught in written form as practical lessons would be not possible to conduct for such a large number of students for each subject. But there is one subject that is taught mostly practically in our school and that is Sports. During the sports period, the students are made to the warm up exercises before the match (which are usually regional games). During the first ...
A person standing in the railway station dressed in a good looking attire It is a common habit of humans to make judgements at the first look. It does not matter if we are seeing a person or a thing for the first time, our minds do not need to take a second look before coming to a judgement. If we look at a person, we quickly look at his clothes and shoes and come to the assumption that he is poor or rich. The same is the case with things, we decide for ourselves whether a substance is expensive or cheap just by its glittering and glistening. Over time, many learned personalities have taught us to "not judge a book by its cover." Through his various plays and writing, William Shakespeare, the popular eighteenth-century English writer, has sent the message to not fall for outward appearances. I have recently expereinced an incident that explains why is it important to not rely on just outward appearances to make a judgement about a person. I was travelling by train during my s...
Essay on visit to a Heritage Site A heritage site is a landmark or a monument of historical importance. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) administers such sites. They can help us to learn a lot of things about the history and culture of a place. A Heritage site is not only limited to a monument or a landmark but also includes ancient ruins, structures, buildings, cities, deserts, forests, islands, lakes, mountains, and wilderness areas. Schools and Colleges frequently plan a trip to heritage sites to teach the students about their significance, structure, importance, and features. Heritage sites date back several centuries and help students learn about ancient architecture. Students can also learn about primitive ways of living, culture, and faith by visiting and studying these heritage sites. I recently visited a World Heritage site with my classmates and teachers as a part of my school trip for summer vacation. We visited the Konark Sun Temple ...
For the statement "No other subject taught in school is as important as Moral Science." Express your views for or against this statement A school is where the youngsters are taught the fundamentals in every major subject. They are taught Mathematics, Science, English, Computer Science, and regional language - in India Hindi is taught in most schools. Children till primary schools are taught Moral Science, but in higher grades, it needs to be given more or sometimes no attention. The school forgets how this important subject can help the students to become a better person. Children are enrolled in schools at an early age. They do not know the ethics and behaviours at such an age. Therefore, it is the responsibility of both - schools and the parents - to teach the children these basic yet important lessons. A person without ethics is no better than a non-living rock. Trees also have ethics; every living organism does. Therefore, it becomes crucial to teach the children the eth...
Write a story with two students and a teacher as main characters There are many instances in which students have to be admitted to a new school or college long after the semester has begun due to various reasons. The reasons could be relocation to another city, seeking better facilities and education or looking for cheaper options. Due to the mid-semester admissions, the child has to face several hardships and it significantly impacts their mental health and overall performance. The new surroundings of the school could overwhelm them or they could struggle to get familiar with new classmates or teachers. Many students also struggle to keep up with the class work, complete the syllabus and complete homework. The teaching methods of a particular teacher always differ from others, so new students always find it hard to grasp the important points and key concepts. Something like this happened to me too. It was the last working week before the summer vacation. Our teacher, Mr. Singh an...
An image of a house in winter covered with snow Staying alone at home is the experience every teenager craves to get once. It is a different adventure, for you can do whatever you want, like playing games at high volumes, running all around the house, and exploring the restricted parts like the garage and basement. But as the saying goes, "The biggest adventure does not take long to become the greatest nightmare". Something like this happened to me recently when I had gone to stay in my father's childhood home for the winter holidays in Himachal Pradesh. My grandfather built the house in the small and sparsely populated yet beautiful village of Kangra. We often choose it as our tourist destination because of its heavenly landscapes and majestic mountains. We headed there this time not just to spend the holidays but also to attend the marriage ceremony of my cousin. I had a severe stomach ache on the wedding day, so my parents had to leave me at home and go to the wedding....
Java Program to find Factorial of given number using Recursion import java.util.*; class Main { int fact(int n){ if(n==0) return 1; else{ return(n*fact(n-1)); } } public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in); int a; System.out.println("Enter a number to get the factorial with the help of recursion"); a = in.nextInt(); Main ob = new Main(); System.out.println(ob.fact(a)); } }
One word Essay: Adventure The word adventure, which suddenly cause one to feel excited, upon hearing usually describes an experience or an activity which is particularly dangerous or filled with excitement. It is one of many English words whose dictionary definition does not hold true for everyone as every individual has a particular hobby or memory which they call adventurous. For some hiking on a mountain may be adventurous, and for others taking part in dangerous activities and games might be adventurous. Some people might find it interesting to hear the adventure of others rather than going on one themselves while others would like to have an adventurous time through the perspective of someone else like in movies. Adventures makes our life interesting and joyful. It is very hard to live each day following the same schedule. Adventures helps to bring a change of pace to our initially dull and unvaried life. Whether it is going out for fishing by the lakeside or playing video games w...
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