Letter to SBI Bank Manager of Local Branch to reduce the interest rate on home loan House no. , Road no. , Bistupur, Jamshedpur - 831002. 18th December, 2023. The Manager, SBI, Road no. , Bistupur, Jamshedpur - 831002. Subject [To reduce the interest rate for Home Loan] Sir, I am [Name] and I have an account in your bank (A/C ......). I have been authorized a home loan from your bank which currently has an interest rate of 9.35%. The interest rates have resulted in a huge financial burden for me. I request you to reduce it to a moderate rate which I can cope with. Yours faithfully, [Name]
Upagupta, the disciple of Buddha, lay asleep in the dust by thr city wall of Mathura. Lamps were all out, doors were all shut, ans stars were all hidden by the murky sky of August. Whose feet were those tinkling with anklets, touching his breast of a sudden? He woke up startled, and the light from a woman's lamp fell on his forgiving eyes. It was Vasavadatta the dancing girl, starred with jewels, Clouded with a pale blue mantle, drunk with the wine of her youth. She lowered her lamp and saw the young face, austerely beautiful. 'Forgive me, young ascetic,' said the woman, 'Graciously come to my house. The dusty earth is not a fit bed for you.' The young ascetic answered, 'Woman, go on your way; When the time is ripe I will come to you.' Suddenly the black night showed its teeth in a flash of lightning. The storm growled from the corner of the sky, and the woman trembled in fear. A year had not yet passed. It was eveing of a day in April, in the Spring. The b...
Discuss the impact of remote work on modern society. Nowadays, it is very common to work remotely either from home or from a different place. There are many companies that are supporting and encouraging remote work, especially in technology sector. Remote work comes with various benefits to both the company and to the employees: Companies can pay less to remote workers compared to regular workers and the employees could work from the comfort of their homes without worrying about the professional office environment. One of the major advantages of remote work is increased flexibility of work and work-life balance. The employees could work according to the time they think is right. Some prefers to wake up early and complete the daily work by evening, while others prefer to work till late at night. Remote work can allow the employees to create a flexible work schedule. The employees work from home, so it becomes easier for them to focus on their hobbies alongside their work and give time f...
Write a short story entitled "Advice not taken" Advice Not Taken In a small town located in the outskirts of Uttar Pradesh, lived a boy named Anil. He was a young and energetic lad of age ten. Children do not like studying and Anil was no different from the rest of kind. He hated sitting at once place the most. To study, he was required to sit and concentrate, but the young soul of Anil refused to abide by such rules. He liked running the most. He used to run all day around the town as long as he has stamina left. His mother was always worried about him and she would always say, “Do not go outside the town into the forest.” One day, Anil wondered, “Why does mother keeps saying I should not go into the forest. Maybe there are mango trees in there and mother wants to keep them to herself.” So, the boy set off for the forest. He liked mangoes, but the villagers would not let him eat from their trees and his family did not grow mango trees on their land. He had to wait for his ...
Macbeth Personal Notes: Act 1 Scene 3 (Part 2/2) "Lesser than Macbeth, and greater. Not so happy, yet much happier. Thou shalt get kings, though thou be none." The witches mean that though Banquo will be lesser in rank than Macbeth, he will be morally higher. Banquo will be less successful than Macbeth, but he will be satisfied with his life and do not have to worry about someone taking his position. Banquo will be the father of the kings though he himself will not get the chance to be one. Witches vanish When Macbeth hears the witches predict about his future of becoming the Thane of Cawdor and eventually king, and Banquo's prediction of becoming the father of kings, he asks the witches how these predictions will come true and how the witches have come to know about their future. He also asks them that why had they chose them to stop on the way to the Foress and talk about their futures. The witches chose not to answer Macbeth's questions and vanish into the air. ...
Java Program to accept a character and check whether it is a letter or not. If letter, then convert it to uppercase or lowercase. Also check whether it is letter or a special character import java.util.*; class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in); char a; System.out.println("Enter a character"); a = in.next().charAt(0); if(Character.isLetter(a)){ System.out.println("Character "+ a+ " is letter"); if(Character.isUpperCase(a)){ System.out.println(Character.toLowerCase(a)); } else System.out.println(Character.toUpperCase(a)); ...
An image of a house in winter covered with snow Staying alone at home is the experience every teenager craves to get once. It is a different adventure, for you can do whatever you want, like playing games at high volumes, running all around the house, and exploring the restricted parts like the garage and basement. But as the saying goes, "The biggest adventure does not take long to become the greatest nightmare". Something like this happened to me recently when I had gone to stay in my father's childhood home for the winter holidays in Himachal Pradesh. My grandfather built the house in the small and sparsely populated yet beautiful village of Kangra. We often choose it as our tourist destination because of its heavenly landscapes and majestic mountains. We headed there this time not just to spend the holidays but also to attend the marriage ceremony of my cousin. I had a severe stomach ache on the wedding day, so my parents had to leave me at home and go to the wedding....
Skills are one of the most crucial things for a person's development. Every individual must have it. Skills make a person unique from the masses. In today's competitive world, having at least one skill becomes essential. Skills like time management, critical thinking, and writing can be helpful for students to excel in their studies. They can also help to make a good impression in front of the employers. Employers prefer candidates having skills with less academic performance over those with no skills but high academic performance. Skills can significantly improve the quality and efficiency of the work, as someone with leadership skills can head a project or a department effortlessly. Skills can help an individual to adapt to different challenges faced during their lifetime. Skills are of several types, like reading, teamwork, and communication, but writing is the most significant. I am currently learning to improve my writing skills. I believe the ability to write and convey m...
Argumentative essay: Should social media platforms be held responsible for the spread of misinformation? Social media platforms have become a wonderful place to spend our time nowadays. They not only provide useful information but also provides entertainment and quick news updates. With the rise in Internet users, numerous social media platforms have popped up and numerous companies have been set up. The users are generally free to post anything on social media as long as they follow the code of conducts. This has resulted in an increase in the publication of fake and misleading information. During the elections period, social media platforms are flooded with spam promotional contents and misleading information about the candidates. At times like this, it becomes the responsibility of the social media platforms to strictly monitor and regulate the content on their platforms. As ordered by the Indian Government, the social media platforms need to form a team of individual wh...
Essay on visit to a Heritage Site A heritage site is a landmark or a monument of historical importance. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) administers such sites. They can help us to learn a lot of things about the history and culture of a place. A Heritage site is not only limited to a monument or a landmark but also includes ancient ruins, structures, buildings, cities, deserts, forests, islands, lakes, mountains, and wilderness areas. Schools and Colleges frequently plan a trip to heritage sites to teach the students about their significance, structure, importance, and features. Heritage sites date back several centuries and help students learn about ancient architecture. Students can also learn about primitive ways of living, culture, and faith by visiting and studying these heritage sites. I recently visited a World Heritage site with my classmates and teachers as a part of my school trip for summer vacation. We visited the Konark Sun Temple ...
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