
Showing posts from May, 2024

Narrate an experience when you chose struggle over success. State how did you emerge out of this ordeal and what lesson you learnt from it.

  Narrate an experience when you chose struggle over success. State how did you emerge out of this ordeal and what lesson you learnt from it. Almost all the stories are based on the moral teaching of choosing the tough path instead of the one which seems easy. It has been taught to us that we should not strive for success but focus on doing the work and success will start following us. But it is easier to say than to actually do it. Whenever we found ourselves in a situation where we can choose one of the two paths, we choose the one that seems to take us to our goal easily and quickly. I was once in a similar situation. Last month, I was selected from my school to take part in the Inter-School Writing Competition. I was supposed to write an essay on Environment Conservation and methods to make cities cleaner and pollution free. The word limit was two thousand words. I liked to write, so it was something I would love to do so, but there was one problem: I was required to submit my essa

Write a short story entitled "Advice not taken"

Write a short story entitled "Advice not taken"  Advice Not Taken In a small town located in the outskirts of Uttar Pradesh, lived a boy named Anil. He was a young and energetic lad of age ten. Children do not like studying and Anil was no different from the rest of kind. He hated sitting at once place the most. To study, he was required to sit and concentrate, but the young soul of Anil refused to abide by such rules. He liked running the most. He used to run all day around the town as long as he has stamina left. His mother was always worried about him and she would always say, “Do not go outside the town into the forest.”  One day, Anil wondered, “Why does mother keeps saying I should not go into the forest. Maybe there are mango trees in there and mother wants to keep them to herself.” So, the boy set off for the forest. He liked mangoes, but the villagers would not let him eat from their trees and his family did not grow mango trees on their land. He had to wait for his

A village fair is very different from a city one. It is usually held annually and is connected with a religious festival or harvest. The purpose of such fair is usually trade and to exhibit and sell village handicrafts. Describe one such fair.

A village fair is very different from a city one. It is usually held annually and is connected with a religious festival or harvest. The purpose of such fair is usually trade and to exhibit and sell village handicrafts. Describe one such fair.   A fair is a gathering where people from different parts come and join to celebrate a festival, season or a good harvest. In the modern cities, fairs are held almost every week. Some of them are trade fair, science fair, book fair or others. In the villages, fairs are held once a year typically at the time of the harvest and on a large scale.  Village fair are very different from the ones held in cities. They are not held at regular intervals throughout the year but once or twice a year. They are not held to display and sell latest products, nor for product advertisements. They are simple yet fun. The true meaning of fair is to celebrate the happiness and celebrate it with others. This cannot be found in the city fairs no matter how hard someone

Describe the view from your room window

  Describe the view from your room window A window by the bedside is a wonderful that presents us with many opportunities to have a look at the outside world while staying in the comforts of our house. It is through this precious window that we could enjoy the rays of the morning sunrise, kissing our cheeks and gently waking us up. It is through the window that we could enjoy the majestic sunset view while enjoying a cup of tea or listening to calm music. Its contributions in ventilating our rooms as well as bringing the smell of the fresh flowers from the garden below deserves the highest praise. The window in my room, like most others, is rectangular in shape with sliding doors. It is not that big as to work as a balcony, but it could fit a human like if I fold up my legs. There is a beautiful park, which is funded by the neighborhood below and I could enjoy its beauties while sitting comfortably on the window. The morning is the best thing about my daily life when I get awake from t

Write a short story in which a little girl, her brother and the school bully are the main characters

Write a short story in which a little girl, her brother and the school bully are the main characters   “Do it fast! I need the homework completed by the next period,” demanded Abhay from me. “I am doing it as fast as I could and anyway it is your homework. Why should I be the one to complete it?,” I replied. “Look at you. You think you could talk to me back,” he said with a punch that hit my nose very hard. It has been three weeks since I got transferred to my town’s only english middle school which my sister also attended who was a year older than me. Since the day I came here, I had been bullied by Abhay, a fat ugly-looking stubbornly idiot classmate of mine.  At first, he only made me do his homework occasionally, but it got worse when the teacher suspected the same handwriting in two notebooks and asked me about it. I had said that I was made to do his homework and he was scolded by the teacher, but that scolding had little effects on his stupidly big head, which I am sure containe

Elements of western culture have had a very influential role on cultures of the world. How are these elements different from those of indian culture? What, according to you, should we as indians adopt from the west to make life more meaningful.

  Elements of western culture have had a very influential role on cultures of the world. How are these elements different from those of indian culture? What, according to you, should we as indians adopt from the west to make life more meaningful. In a world where all the people around the globe are connected through the means of Internet, western philosophies and culture have taken roots deeply in the culture of other nations. Whether it is the democratic ideas, free speech, or human rights, today all nations follow these principles even though if it was not even ever mentioned in their history. The cause of the spread of western culture around the globe can be attributed to their reign over multiple colonies between the 17th to 20th century and rapid increase in wealth brought due to the Industrial Revolution in the 18th century. The western culture is referred to the common customs followed majorly in the American and European continents.  English, which is spoken in almost all the c

Research a famous invention. How did it changed the way we live

Research a famous invention. How did it changed the way we live Communication has been a major part of the human’s life. If a questions is asked that what is the major thing that distinguish a human from other animals, most people would answer the intelligence to communicate and understand one another. But it had not always being what it is like today. Previously, we were also like other animals, distinguished only by our ability to walk upright and fundamental intelligence about how thing works. We understood that using sign languages and producing sounds would not be enough for us to communicate and understand each other properly. So we slowly started assigning meanings to particular sounds that we produced and used it to converse with each other. This was how we came to invent languages.  Communication has always been a major part of human life and today it has become the most fundamental thing that define being a human. It is also one of the first thing that we teach a newborn infa

"Democracy cannot survive without education". Express your views either for or against this statement.

"Democracy cannot survive without education". Express your views either for or against this statement. Democracy means the rule of people. A democratic state is one where the people elect their representatives through the process of election to run the government of the country. Democracy also means that the will of the people, human rights and civil liberties are guaranteed by the government. In the modern time, most of the countries in the world are democracies. Since the people choose their leaders in this form of government, it becomes essential for the people to make sure the candidate to whom they are giving their vote is capable of this important position and can carry out the duties as the representative of the people. For this reason, it also becomes important for the people to be educated.  Education is important as it helps people make the correct choice of giving their precious vote to the candidate that they find most eligible. It has been observed several times
