Narrate an experience when you chose struggle over success. State how did you emerge out of this ordeal and what lesson you learnt from it.


Narrate an experience when you chose struggle over success. State how did you emerge out of this ordeal and what lesson you learnt from it.
Narrate an experience when you chose struggle over success. State how did you emerge out of this ordeal and what lesson you learnt from it.

Almost all the stories are based on the moral teaching of choosing the tough path instead of the one which seems easy. It has been taught to us that we should not strive for success but focus on doing the work and success will start following us. But it is easier to say than to actually do it. Whenever we found ourselves in a situation where we can choose one of the two paths, we choose the one that seems to take us to our goal easily and quickly. I was once in a similar situation.

Last month, I was selected from my school to take part in the Inter-School Writing Competition. I was supposed to write an essay on Environment Conservation and methods to make cities cleaner and pollution free. The word limit was two thousand words. I liked to write, so it was something I would love to do so, but there was one problem: I was required to submit my essay by the next day. Actually the time given to the participants was one week, but due to some circumstances, my school received the letter a day before the submission date. It was not easy to write an essay for the competition in a day, and revise as well as edit it. My teachers and friends offered their help, but I took it as a challenge and decided to write the essay myself. 

After waking up whole night and doing extensive research about the topic, I was able to write a complete essay an hour before the submission time. Few weeks later, the results arrived and I was given the first prize because of my unique perspective from the eyes of a child and student living in the city and the problems faced personally due to the rise in pollutions and its after effects. 

If I had asked the help of my teachers or friends, I could not be able to provide my unique perspective on the matter and my essay would have ended up being characterized as one containing general points which everyone already knew of. I learned from this incident the importance of choosing the tough path and the reward you get from all your hard work.



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