
Write a short story in which a little girl, her brother and the school bully are the main characters

Write a short story in which a little girl, her brother and the school bully are the main characters   “Do it fast! I need the homework completed by the next period,” demanded Abhay from me. “I am doing it as fast as I could and anyway it is your homework. Why should I be the one to complete it?,” I replied. “Look at you. You think you could talk to me back,” he said with a punch that hit my nose very hard. It has been three weeks since I got transferred to my town’s only english middle school which my sister also attended who was a year older than me. Since the day I came here, I had been bullied by Abhay, a fat ugly-looking stubbornly idiot classmate of mine.  At first, he only made me do his homework occasionally, but it got worse when the teacher suspected the same handwriting in two notebooks and asked me about it. I had said that I was made to do his homework and he was scolded by the teacher, but that scolding had little effects on his stupidly big head, which I am sure containe

Elements of western culture have had a very influential role on cultures of the world. How are these elements different from those of indian culture? What, according to you, should we as indians adopt from the west to make life more meaningful.

  Elements of western culture have had a very influential role on cultures of the world. How are these elements different from those of indian culture? What, according to you, should we as indians adopt from the west to make life more meaningful. In a world where all the people around the globe are connected through the means of Internet, western philosophies and culture have taken roots deeply in the culture of other nations. Whether it is the democratic ideas, free speech, or human rights, today all nations follow these principles even though if it was not even ever mentioned in their history. The cause of the spread of western culture around the globe can be attributed to their reign over multiple colonies between the 17th to 20th century and rapid increase in wealth brought due to the Industrial Revolution in the 18th century. The western culture is referred to the common customs followed majorly in the American and European continents.  English, which is spoken in almost all the c

Research a famous invention. How did it changed the way we live

Research a famous invention. How did it changed the way we live Communication has been a major part of the human’s life. If a questions is asked that what is the major thing that distinguish a human from other animals, most people would answer the intelligence to communicate and understand one another. But it had not always being what it is like today. Previously, we were also like other animals, distinguished only by our ability to walk upright and fundamental intelligence about how thing works. We understood that using sign languages and producing sounds would not be enough for us to communicate and understand each other properly. So we slowly started assigning meanings to particular sounds that we produced and used it to converse with each other. This was how we came to invent languages.  Communication has always been a major part of human life and today it has become the most fundamental thing that define being a human. It is also one of the first thing that we teach a newborn infa

"Democracy cannot survive without education". Express your views either for or against this statement.

"Democracy cannot survive without education". Express your views either for or against this statement. Democracy means the rule of people. A democratic state is one where the people elect their representatives through the process of election to run the government of the country. Democracy also means that the will of the people, human rights and civil liberties are guaranteed by the government. In the modern time, most of the countries in the world are democracies. Since the people choose their leaders in this form of government, it becomes essential for the people to make sure the candidate to whom they are giving their vote is capable of this important position and can carry out the duties as the representative of the people. For this reason, it also becomes important for the people to be educated.  Education is important as it helps people make the correct choice of giving their precious vote to the candidate that they find most eligible. It has been observed several times

Wander through a bustling farmers market, describing the sights, sounds, and smells. Capture the vibrant colors of fresh produce, the chatter of vendors and customers, and the tactile sensation of browsing handmade crafts.

Wander through a bustling farmers market, describing the sights, sounds, and smells. Capture the vibrant colours of fresh produce, the chatter of vendors and customers, and the tactile sensation of browsing handmade crafts. A farmers market is a market dedicated to the local farmers to sell their produce and other local homegrown products, which is generally located near the centre of the city and is spread across a large area. Hundreds of local farmers travel thousands of kilometres from their villages to come to the cities and sell their produce. The farmers market is not organized throughout the year, but only during certain times of the year after the harvest. It serves as the best option for the consumers as well as the farmers. The consumers can get freshly produced vegetables and fruits directly from the farmers at cheaper rates and the farmers can make much more profit by directly selling than by depending on some intermediary. Last Sunday, I had my school off, so I decided to

Social media has fundamentally changed how we connect and interact. Explore the positive and negative impacts of social media on individuals and society as a whole. Consider issues like mental health, misinformation, and political polarization. Propose solutions for mitigating negative impacts while maximizing the positive potential of social media.

Social media has fundamentally changed how we connect and interact.  Explore the positive and negative impacts of social media on individuals and society as a whole.  Consider issues like mental health, misinformation, and political polarization.  Propose solutions for mitigating negative impacts while maximizing the positive potential of social media.   In the last decade, the social media has emerged as a major factor that has not only forced us to change our lifestyle but it also dictates the majority of our personal decisions. Just 20 years ago, it was not common for local masses to take interest in the culture and lifestyle of foreign countries or people to earn online easily. Social media has revolutionize the way the people around the globe connect and interact. Previously, it was common for the people of lower economic standing to use letters to communicate with each others and for local administration purposes. Telegram and Telephone had already been invented, but they were no

Imagine a situation where you get an opportunity to change one thing in your school. What would it be? Why do you want to change it? How would you bring about the change?

  Imagine a situation where you get an opportunity to change one thing in your school. What would it be? Why do you want to change it? How would you bring about the change? School is a place where the young generations are bestowed with knowledge and wit. It is a place of education and learning where various subjects are taught to the students without keeping in mind their religion, gender or race. It is the place where everyone is equal and everyone has equal opportunity to get fundamental knowledge in each major subjects.  There are various subjects that are taught in the school. Majority of the subjects are taught in written form as practical lessons would be not possible to conduct for such a large number of students for each subject. But there is one subject that is taught mostly practically in our school and that is Sports.  During the sports period, the students are made to the warm up exercises before the match (which are usually regional games). During the first few classes, w

Write a story with two students and a teacher as main characters

Write a story with two students and a teacher as main characters There are many instances in which students have to be admitted to a new school or college long after the semester has begun due to various reasons. The reasons could be relocation to another city, seeking better facilities and education or looking for cheaper options.  Due to the mid-semester admissions, the child has to face several hardships and it significantly impacts their mental health and overall performance. The new surroundings of the school could overwhelm them or they could struggle to get familiar with new classmates or teachers. Many students also struggle to keep up with the class work, complete the syllabus and complete homework. The teaching methods of a particular teacher always differ from others, so new students always find it hard to grasp the important points and key concepts. Something like this happened to me too. It was the last working week before the summer vacation. Our teacher, Mr. Singh announ

The US Government to implement new AI safeguards for Government Agencies

The US Government to implement new AI safeguards for Government Agencies At a time when everyone from small businesses to large corporations is making use of Artificial Intelligence technologies to improve the organization's efficiency and productivity, the White House is making headlines as it has issued a notification to the Federal Agencies to adopt new AI safeguards. The White House on Thursday 28th March 2024 said that it is making it mandatory for federal agencies to adopt concrete AI safeguards by December 1st of this year to protect American citizens' rights and ensure safety as the US Government desires to expand the AI use in a wide range of applications. This notification is issued by the Office of Management and Budget. According to the directive, the federal agencies of the US Government must monitor, assess and test AI’s impacts "on the public, mitigate the risks of algorithmic discrimination, and provide the public with transparency into how the government u

Announcement: Why has nothing been posted on the website in the last 1 month?

  Announcement: Why has nothing been posted on the website in the last 1 month? For the last month, I was engaged in my ICSE Std. 10 Examinations, so I was not able to publish anything on the website.  After that, I was on a short break that lasted just slightly over a week, so I was not able to post anything. During my vacation, I was enjoying some really good anime and after all this time I find myself refreshed and full of new passion to create content for this website. From today dated 28th March, I will post regularly with priority on publishing compulsory posts on Wednesday, Friday and Sunday.

A Visit to a Plant Nursery and Discovery of My Greatest Friend Part 1

A Visit to a Plant Nursery and Discovery of My Greatest Friend Part 1 I was not a very good person at socializing with others. It is not like I hate anyone or see them as inferior to me, I just do not know how to talk to others. It was always too much for me to walk up to someone and initiate a conversation. I was always too lazy to accomplish such a simple task. But now it was getting too much out of hand. I was going to turn sixteen this year, I should make a friend. I want to make a friend.  All these years, I just sat quietly in the class. When it was a free period or lunchtime, other normal students would talk to each other, play or have practice matches of chess and other games. I never felt that I was lonely. I had already volunteered myself to the school's student committee. I was already busy enough to keep my grades up. Volunteering took a lot of effort and I was usually given tasks that could be done alone. It felt like fate did not want me to have friends. Now that I th

Announcement 22nd March 2024: Forbidden the use of AI content on the site

Good Day Readers, Announcement 22nd March 2024: Forbidden the use of AI content on the site Today I shall answer a very concerning question that some other readers have raised through the comment section on the site.  It is related to the publication of AI-generated content in huge amounts on the site. I apologize for the publication of content that is directly or indirectly generated by AI chatbots like ChatGPT or Google's Gemini.  The posts concerned were published last year. As you can see too, in the last 4 months, there has been no AI-generated content published. The posts published before were just a test for me to develop some sense and enjoy this new technology as you all already know I have a particular interest in the latest tech.  I assure you that from this day 22nd March 2024, forward there will be directly or indirectly no content will be posted which is written fully or partially by non-human chatbots or other such technologies. I appreciate the time spent and truly

Mumbai-based Identification verification startup raised 27 million dollars

Mumbai-based Identification verification startup raised 27 million dollars At a time when the Global Tech sector is facing stagnant growth and employees are facing job losses, the Indian tech industries are booming. Recently, a Mumbai-based Identification verification startup IDfy raised 27 million dollars in total primary and secondary funding from top firms like Elev8 Venture Partners, KB Investment, and Tenacity Ventures. On its LinkedIn page, IDfy claims to "help enterprises eliminate fraud and establish trust using tech-powered products and solutions for KYC, KYB, Background Verification, Risk Mitigation, Digital Onboarding and Digital Privacy." IDfy is a top Indian identity verification company that provides services to help other organizations like banks and e-commerce sites verify the identity of a person. They are crucial for preventing fraud and theft. While applying for EMIs through certain services, we are often asked to take a picture of ourselves after entering

Diary: 4th March 2024

Diary 4th April Today was my Physics exam. I had hoped to score full marks, that is 80/80 on the exam, but sadly I will hardly even be able to score 75 on the exam. According to the experts, today's question paper was rated "moderate" in terms of difficulty; I can never argue that. The questions today were so easy. I wish I had looked up some key concepts again. The concepts that came today were not very important, and one would also say these topics would never be asked in exams. They were not directly asked. Instead, the questions made the use of those concepts subtly.  It was 28th February 2024. It was the day of my Geography 2024 ICSE Council Standard 10th Examination. The exam went well; I would not say great. The questions were easy in Geography despite my negligence in studying the subject the previous night. It is not like I had not studied even the slightest. I just had never taken the subject seriously all year. The exam went well and I am hoping around 70/80. T

You wake up to the sound of an unusual noise coming from outside your window. Intrigued, you peek out and see a figure standing there, unlike anything you've ever encountered before. Write a story about this unexpected visitor and the impact they have on your life.

You wake up to the sound of an unusual noise coming from outside your window. Intrigued, you peek out and see a figure standing there, unlike anything you've ever encountered before. Write a story about this unexpected visitor and the impact they have on your life. It was raining quite a lot on the 22nd of December, which was unusual during chilly winter months.  I was fast asleep in my bed with a giant white-colored blanket covering my whole body. If someone had seen me, they would have said that I looked like those white silk cocoons. Last night, I was playing games till the hour hand of my bedroom clock struck three. I was tired and feeling sleepy as I was playing probably my 15th multiplayer match. My team had won six or seven games as I recall. It was enough for the day. So we decided to continue the match on next Saturday night.  It was almost noon. I didn't say the time on the clock but I can say for sure. The soft warmth of a winter day made the time obvious. I heard a

Some people like to live in a small town. Others prefer living in a big city. Describe which place you would like to live in. Why?

Some people like to live in a small town. Others prefer living in a big city. Describe which place you would like to live in. Why?   Humans have a habit of living together as a community. Some prefer to live in big cities while others prefer living in a small town. Both places have advantages and disadvantages for their settlers. Cities are usually overcrowded and polluted. They also host several important buildings and centers. On the other hand, towns are small inhabited areas that are sparsely populated and located in the exterior areas. In cities, the residents are mostly engaged in non-agricultural jobs like business, state service, finance, and others. Cities are generally said to have better transportation, education, and medical facilities. Cities are located near industrial areas so they are more developed. There are lots of advantages to living in a big, but I still prefer to live in a small town.  Towns are small in size and there are fewer residents living in them, but this

Describe in detail the view from your bedroom window. Does your room overlook a park? A busy street? What are the sights, sounds and smells that you would typically see, hear and experience at different times of the day? When do you most enjoy the view? Early in the morning, in the evening or late at night?

  Describe in detail the view from your bedroom window. Does your room overlook a park? A busy street? What are the sights, sounds, and smells that you would typically see, hear, and experience at different times of the day? When do you most enjoy the view? Early in the morning, in the evening, or late at night? A bedroom window is the source of many sights. They can be the scenes of beautiful parks blooming with various flowers or busy streets with honking vehicles disturbing the tranquility and peace of the surroundings. Everyone has a unique experience when they have nothing to do but stare outside the open window. Those who are lucky to enjoy the view of parks from their windows typically like to watch it during the early morning while those having a busy street enjoy the night view when there are fewer vehicles and the air is a little bit cleaner. My bedroom window shows neither a park nor a busy street, but I can still enjoy the pleasant view of flowers in the morning. I can see

23 candidates scored 100 NTA score in JEE-Main 2024

  23 candidates scored 100 NTA score in JEE-Main 2024 The joint Entrance Exam is one of the toughest exams in the entire world. It is a big achievement to even qualify for JEE Mains and appear for JEE Advance.  This year, a record of 23 students in India have scored 100 in the JEE Mains Exam 2024 which was released on 12th February by the National Testing Agency.  The Indian southern state of Telangana has the highest number of toppers which is 7 followed by Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra and Rajasthan. All of the toppers who scored 100 were male candidates. The female candidate is Dwija Dharmeshkumar Patel from Gujarat with a 99.9991763 NTA score. The candidates who scored 100 NTA scores are Aarav Bhatt, Rishi Shekher Shukla, Shaik Suraj (OBC), Mukunth Prathish S (OBC), Madhav Bansal, Aryan Prakash, Ishaan Gupta, Aaditya Kumar, Rohan Sai Pabba, Parekh Meet Vikrambhai, Amogh Agrawal, Shivansh Nair, Thota Sai Karthik, Gajare Nilkrishna Nirmalkumar (OBC), Dakshesh Sanjay Mishra, Muthavarapu

13th February 2024: Made Red Background in Adobe Illustrator

13th February 2024: Made Red Background in Adobe Illustrator As I said in an earlier post, I have been upskilling my digital art-making skills to make new illustrations for my website easily. The illustration shown above is one of the most recent of my art pieces. It is not that good that it can amass appreciation from many people, but it is at least good enough that I thought of posting it on the website.  It took me around 30 minutes to make this background, and I will never use it again. But it was a good memory and it indeed helped me learn a new thing or two. From now on, I will try to make a digital illustration each day and post it here on the site so that I can showcase my terrible artwork with you all.  I have found a new interest in making digital illustrations nowadays and I feel like I am in a completely different space that is separated from our real world. When I am working on drawing a new illustration and unleashing my creativity, it feels like time is passing like when

Tuesday 13th February 2024: Practising Toposheet for Geography

  Tuesday 13th February 2024 Its 11:27 am on the 13th Febrauary 2024. I am currently sitting on the chair in front of the study table. I have opened my Toposheet book page number 32 and currently solving Map 5: Survey of India Map Sheet No. G43S10 — Eastingd 50-60, Northings 13-23.  My Geography ICSE class 10 board exams are coming near and I have only 1 day gap before the geography exam so I need to work hard.  I also don't have any special preparation for geography, nor do I have any special interest in the subject. I usually get around 70 out of 100 in the subject so I need to work hard for the boards as this subject will be important in gaining marks in social studies which comprises Geography, History, and Civics.  I am not doing much preparation as my friends are doing and also I am still not serious. I do not know how they incite the feeling of seriousness inside me but I will still try hard to study the subjects. I also do not have any particular interest in arts subjects a

Russian authorities has sanctioned UK officials, historians, and academics terming them as Russophobic people

Russian authorities have sanctioned UK officials, historians, and academics terming them as Russophobic people  Russia today on Monday imposed personal sanctions on 18 UK citizens including top British academics and officials. The reason given for this action by the Russian authorities against the people mentioned was their attempt to portray Russia as a threatening nation and encourage the Ukraine war.  "We are forced to state that Russophobically charged British representatives do not shy away trying to discredit the constitutional system and socio-political processes in our country," Russia's foreign ministry said. "The so-called brain trusts operating on the basis of the largest British and Western educational institutions make a significant contribution to the subversive work of London in the Russian direction." Russia introduced personal sanctions against British Deputy Defence Minister James Cartlidge, Deputy National Security Adviser Sarah MacIntosh and

Describe a moment of pure joy or awe you experienced, using your words to paint a picture of the scene and evoke the emotions you felt

Describe a moment of pure joy or awe you experienced, using your words to paint a picture of the scene and evoke the emotions you felt. Everyone has a moment that gives joy and eternal bliss. Some never forget those moments till the end of their lives while others keep looking for new moments to add to their collection. These moments could be anything like a journey during the summer vacation, a beautiful sunset scene, the ending of a novel, time spent with friends or children, an unimaginable dream, and lots more. The moment that gives me pure joy is none of the above-mentioned, it is very different and unique, yet I can say with confidence beaming through my entire body that my moment is the happiest of them all. It is not the fun of a journey during the hot summers or cold winters, it is not an emotional ending of a novel, and it is neither enjoying a show. It is simple yet so profound that it left a joyful mark on my heart so that I would not even think of ever forgetting it.  It w

Write a composition describing a change that you would like to make in your school if you were given an opportunity. How this change will benefit your school.

A school is a place where children are sent from an early age to gain knowledge and get a fundamental learning of different crafts. He not only gets an education but also learns etiquette and behaviors. Schools are crucial for building responsible individuals and for that reason, they need to regularly implement changes and policies that will be best for the development of the young students.  A school is the best place where the fundamentals in the different fields are taught which will be useful in the future. In modern times, skills-based learning is vital for the successful future of a student. Students not only need to learn a fixed set of skills, but they also need to learn to learn new things and to customize their skills to fit the work at that time. The world is rapidly changing and traditional learning cannot keep up with it for a long time. The introduction of skill-based learning improves the overall learning experience for the students and makes the study more

My first drawing on

My first drawing on I have finally done it. I always wanted to start making custom digital illustrations, but I never got to learn how to make digital art. I have done it after so many months. Ever since I started this website, I wanted to make those cool illustrations you can find on other websites, but I was always bad at drawing skills so it always remained a dream. Recently when I was sitting at home and getting bored. I started doing random searches to pass my time. It was at that time that I started thinking of online drawing cools. When I searched for it, was the first result and I have to admit that the tool is perfect for beginners like me who probably know nothing about drawing and art. Well, it's a shame that I am saying it after going to Drawing Classes for 8 years. I can draw well on paper but it also has been a long time since I drew something. I will try it out once my exams are over. I just got to know how hard it is to make these digital arts. W

"No other subject taught in school is as important as Moral Science." Express your views for or against this statement

For the statement "No other subject taught in school is as important as Moral Science." Express your views for or against this statement A school is where the youngsters are taught the fundamentals in every major subject. They are taught Mathematics, Science, English, Computer Science, and regional language - in India Hindi is taught in most schools. Children till primary schools are taught Moral Science, but in higher grades, it needs to be given more or sometimes no attention. The school forgets how this important subject can help the students to become a better person.  Children are enrolled in schools at an early age. They do not know the ethics and behaviours at such an age. Therefore, it is the responsibility of both - schools and the parents - to teach the children these basic yet important lessons. A person without ethics is no better than a non-living rock. Trees also have ethics; every living organism does. Therefore, it becomes crucial to teach the children the eth

My AI Girlfriend: The story I currently have in mind

My AI Girlfriend: The story I currently have in mind As you might already know I love writing and I am also a tech-savvy person. This is the reason I created this website. I always wanted to write a book and publish it, but because of my busy student life, it became almost impossible to sit for long hours in a day and get a story done. Stephen King says you should be able to write around 2500 words a day, but when I write for this website - which is also not frequent - I am only able to write 800 words in an article, which is okay for it. I love AI and I also like reading other people's experiences with it. It is so much fun to know about them. I have also thought of a very long experience which I want to show to you all. It will not be a personal experience rather it will be a story told by a character. Plot The story "My AI Girlfriend" revolves around a guy who after several failed attempts gets a girlfriend, but the relationship with that girl is hell for him. He was n
